
Media Library

We are constantly writing articles in cooperation with trade magazins, which are unfortunately only published in German. If you are interested, you can find them on our German download page.

Reports & Whitepapers

  • Digital Register - the "Single Source of Truth" for the infrastructure data used in fully automated driving | June 2024

    Almost all key functionalities of the digital rail system require highly accurate, up-to-date and digitally available infrastructure data. This is why Digitale Schiene Deutschland is working intensively on a so-called "Digital Register (DR)". It is being specified and standardized as part of the European initiative Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking (ERJU). This should enable all European railroads to access compatible infrastructure data in the future.


    Source: SIGNAL+DRAHT

  • Fully automated, driverless driving on the railways - challenges in the railway system | May 2024 (only in German)

    Fully automated, driverless driving is seen as an important response to the shortage of skilled labour in the rail sector and the need to shift traffic to rail. Metros or "people movers" are already driverless in closed systems that are separated from their surroundings. However, the challenges are much greater in the open networks of the mainline railway sector. The article looks at the step-by-step development of products for realisation in the mainline railway sector.  


    Source: Der Eisenbahningenieur

  • Pan-European Railway Data Factory – infrastructure and ecosystem for fully automated rail operations | April 2024

    Many European railways are striving toward automated rail operations. This requires the collection of extensive sensor data for AI training. A Pan-European Railway Data Factory (PEDF), as a joint infrastructure and partner ecosystem, is seen as a suitable way forward for the sector. This article summarises the highlights and findings of the CEF2 RailDataFactory study undertaken by Deutsche Bahn AG (DB), Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF) and Nederlandse Spoorwegen N.V. (NS).


    Source: SIGNAL+DRAHT

  • Digitale Schiene Deutschland - Future technologies for the rail system | April 2024 (only in German)

    Digitale Schiene Deutschland is working on the consistent digitalization and automation of rail operations. But what exactly does the digital future of the railroads look like? A recent overview article in the Eisenbahn Ingenieur Kompendium provides answers: our experts, who have been closely involved in Digitale Schiene Deutschland for several years, outline the system architecture of the digital rail system and provide insights into the future technologies required for this.


    Source: Eisenbahn Ingenieur Kompendium

  • "Digital" capacity increases: a status report | April 2024 (only in German)

    This article summarizes the status of the findings from inputs into the Digital Node Stuttgart (DKS), a pilot project in the starter package of Digitale Schiene Deutschland. It continues a detailed presentation from 2019 and also supplements the article in the same issue. It is based on numerous specialist articles and presentations, summarizes key findings and supplements these with further experiences from the ongoing conception, planning and implementation of the project.



    Source: Eisenbahn Ingenieur Kompendium

  • The Stuttgart Digital Node between light and shadow | March 2024 (only in German)

    The realization of the infrastructure in the core of the node is progressing, and the series retrofit of multiple units has also started. At the same time, around 150 employees are now working in the surrounding area on preliminary planning, among other things, while the preparation of tender documents is underway in accordance with the rail partnership model. The project continues to produce a wide range of varied and changing experiences, including system effects as well as necessary accelerations and simplifications. The article provides an outline of the status and key experiences from the ongoing implementation of the pilot project.


    Source: Der Eisenbahningenieur

  • Digitalisation and project acceleration as a system solution | February 2024

    End-to-end digital data storage enables the acceleration
    of security projects. Numerous studies have contributed
    to findings with regard to the given facts. Now, it is necessary
    to define a system concept based on these findings
    and to establish initial applications in the immediate future.


    Source: Signal+Draht

  • On the transport benefits of Digital Rail Germany | February 2024 (only in German)

    A study conducted by VIA-Con/quattron on behalf of Digital Rail Germany/DB InfraGo AG reveals the potential of digitalization for increasing rail capacity. In the best-case scenario, the use of digital technologies could lead to around 15% additional marketable train paths and a significant increase in operational quality.


    Source: Der Eisenbahningenieur

  • Artificial Intelligence for the traffic management system of the future | January, February 2024

    An intelligent Traffic Management System is a fundamental centerpiece of future digitalized railway network operations. When thousands of trains are on the move in dense traffic, rapid decisions must be made to adjust the operations in the event of disruptions. New approaches are needed in order to be able to respond quickly and effectively to disturbances in future railway operations. Combining Artificial Intelligence (AI) and methods from Operations Research can help address this challenge. This approach was tested on a specific application.


    Source: Signal+Draht

  • One year of (ETCS) operating experience on the SFS Wendlingen – Ulm (only German) | February 2024

    After almost 30,000 commercial train journeys, an initial assessment of the operation of the Wendlingen - Ulm high-speed line (SFS) is very positive overall. A particular focus was and is the equipping of the line with European Train Control System Level 2 "without signals" (ETCS L2oS), as one of the first such lines in Germany. The article summarizes the experience gained from the train journeys.


    Source: Der Eisenbahningenieur

  • Digitalising the S-Bahn Stuttgart Core (part 2) | December 2023

    The plans presented in SIGNAL+DRAHT 9/2023 for the digitalisation of the Stuttgart S-Bahn main line are now gradually becoming reality. This article focuses on experiences from the ongoing implementation, the operational and transport benefits and some optimisation potential. An outlook on the next steps rounds off the article.


    Source: Signal + Draht

  • The Capacity & Traffic Management System for Digital Rail | October 2023 (only German)

    A consistent, intelligent traffic management system for planning and controlling rail operations will form the basis of future automated driving and network operations. This article describes the intended scope of a new, digital and AI-based "Capacity & Traffic Management System" (CTMS), its functionality and the current status of development by Digitale Schiene Deutschland.


    Source: Der Eisenbahningenieur

  • Digitalising the S-Bahn Stuttgart Core (part 1) | September 2023

    With more than 900 trains per day, the double-track S-Bahn main line in Stuttgart is one of the busiest routes in Germany. After several years of discussion, design and planning, it is one of the first such lines in the world to be equipped with a digital interlocking system (DSTW), European Train Control System Level 2 without signals (ETCS L2oS) and Automatic Train Operation Grade of Automation 2 (ATO GoA 2).


    Source: Signal + Draht

  • First FRMCS/5G test environment for the railway system built in Germany | June 2023

    In the Digital Railway Test Field in the Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge), DB Netz, Nokia and Kontron Transportation have set up and tested a 5G and Mission Critical Service (MCx) based communication network for testing the future railway radio standard FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System).


    Source: Signal + Draht

  • Deliverable "D1 – Data Factory Concept, Use Cases and Requirements" | June 2023

    The "pan-European Railway Data Factory" is a kind of ecosystem with a common infrastructure that enables railroad companies and manufacturers to collect, process, use and simulate sensor data europewide.

  • Article in "Signal & Draht" | FRMCS equipment of 463 multiple units for the Stuttgart Digital Node | 05/23

    In addition to ETCS, ATO GoA 2 and further technologies,
    FRMCS is also being installed as part of the ongoing retrofit
    of 333 multiple units for the Stuttgart Digital Node (DKS).
    130 new regional multiple units will also receive FRMCS “ex
    works”. In the meantime, a large part of the hardware has been installed in the first first-of-class trains.


    Source: SIGNAL + DRAHT

  • Article in "Signal & Draht" | Experience gained from track field networking at the Stuttgart Digital Node (part 1) | 04/23

    The first design of a digital interlocking at a large German
    railway node has brought a number of experiences
    to light. The present cabling concept is currently reaching its
    limits, particularly in existing train station areas that are to be
    temporarily equipped not only with European Train Control
    System (ETCS), but also with Class B under the high redundancy
    requirements. A number of optimisations have been developed
    based on this experience.


    Source: SIGNAL + DRAHT

  • A Comprehensive Framework for Evaluating Vision-Based On-Board Rail Track Detection | 03/23

    Reliable and precise rail track detection, and its verification, are crucial parts for many on-board environmental perception functions of automated trains. By using an exemplary Neural Network, this scientific paper shows how precise track centerline detection can be realized and how the precision can be evaluated with a novel metric, presented for the first time in this paper. Scientific paper on AI based rail track detection as accepted and presented at the 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS).


    Scientific paper on AI based track detection, accepted and presented at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 2023 of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS).

  • Article in "Signal & Draht" | Innovative antenna systems for FRMCS -field trials at 1.9 GHz | 11/22

    The Future Railway Mobile Communication System
    (FRMCS) will be the successor to GSM-R. It will be
    based on 5G technologies and will enhance mobile train-to-ground communications in rail operations. Improved radio
    access and core network architectures as well as innovative
    antenna systems in FRMCS will enable higher transmission
    rates, lower latencies and high reliability for any future data
    transfers within the scope of the digitalisation and automation
    of railway services. This article focuses on multi-antenna
    radio technologies and their benefits for FRMCS networks
    at 1.9 GHz


    Source: SIGNAL + DRAHT