Digitale Schiene Deutschland
and Europe
Thinking across borders
Digitale Schiene Deutschland ensures that the European perspective is included from the outset in the development of new digital technologies such as ATO (Automatic Train Operation), CTMS (Capacity & Traffic Management System), ADI (Advanced Digital Infrastructure) or the new high-performance mobile radio network FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System), which will be used in the German rail system in the future. In 2023, for example, it was possible for the first time to standardize highly automated driving for multiple units on lines equipped with ETCS in European standardization (ATO over ETCS) on the basis of ATO pilot projects such as the Digital S-Bahn Hamburg (DSH).
In order to create a sustainable rail system in Europe, the European Commission launched the “Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking” (ERJU) project in 2022. Digitale Schiene Deutschland is heavily involved in this project. In addition to contributing to the harmonization of rail operations, it has already contributed new, digital rail technologies.
A consortium of Railroad undertakings, industry and the sector is developing the foundations for the future of the European railroads in six major fields of work - known as Flagship Projects (FP). The future technologies of Digitale Schiene Deutschland are represented in particular in the flagship project “R2DATO” (Rail to Digital up to automated and Autonomous train Operation).
The following illustration shows an example of the path to a single railroad area in Europe with the introduction of new technologies. All future technologies are listed on the right-hand side. A joint European development of new digital technologies for the rail system is thus firmly anchored at EU level.