Vision and target
of Digitale Schiene Deutschland
The vision and the target of Digitale Schiene Deutschland
Our Mission
The decarbonization of transport and climate change are the driving forces behind Digitale Schiene Deutschland. In the future, increasing amounts of people and goods are supposed to be transported. However, Germany’s rail infrastructure largely consists of outdated technology that needs renovation. The rail network is reaching its limits – delays and cancellations are the result.
The mission of the Digitale Schiene Deutschland is to use technological innovations to increase the performance, and particularly, the capacity of the existing rail system. Digitalized network operation based on the European Rail Traffic Management System ETCS, Digital Interlockings and a traffic management system supported by artificial intelligence form the new technological pillars of the digital railroads.
This will enable trains to run fully automatic and at higher frequencies. Responses to disruptions are much faster. Operations are more robust thanks to standardized technology. Maintenance costs are reduced due to the elimination of failure-prone technology such as signals. Because of this trains can reliably reach their destinations on time.
Our fields of innovation

Basis digitisation of the infrastructure
- Implementing the European Train Control System (ETCS)
- Construction of Digital Interlockings (DSTW)
- Introduction of the Integrated Control and Operating System (iLBS)

Highly automated driving
- Trains run, break and stop automatically
- Train operation is stable and predictable
- Train operator is still on board and intervenes in the event of irregularities

Fully automated driving
- Trains operate fully automatically and are aware of their surroundings
- Trains react to disturbances automatically
- Driverless driving is possible

Driving at optimal distance
- Implementing of a train-centric safety logic
- Enables driving at the lowest possible distance, so-called Moving Block
- This allows more trains to drive on the same route

Intelligent Capacity and Traffic Management System
- Timetables are recalculated in seconds by AI in the event of deviations
- Automated capacity planning takes place throughout Germany
- Increases network capacity and reliability

High-speed data transmission and connectivity
- Introduction of the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS), based on the 5G mobile communications standard
- FRMCS meets high demands for future data rates, latency times, availability and encryption
- This not only ensures real-time data transmission between train and track but also high-performance connectivity for new digital applications