Mood image of Digitale Schiene Deutschland (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Mood image of Digitale Schiene Deutschland (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Fast-Track Programme

More reliability and less maintenance thanks to modern signalling, interlocking and level crossing technology. First commissioning around 1.5 years after construction begins in 2022. Collection of findings for the rollout of Digitale Schiene Deutschland (DSD). This is the Fast-Track Programme.

Fast-Track Programme (SLP)

The name says it all. The Fast-Track Programme (SLP) was launched on the initiative of the federal government, the rail industry and Deutsche Bahn (DB). It is an economic stimulus programme to combat the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic in order to secure jobs and strengthen the industry. The federal government is providing additional funding of EUR 500 million for the years 2020 - 2022, EUR 100 million of which is already available in 2020. These funds are provided as part of the German Recovery and Resilience Plan (Deutscher Aufbau- und Resilienzplans: DARP) via the European Recovery and Resilience Facility (ARF). Within a very short period of time, the existing signalling, interlocking and level crossing technology will be replaced by modern and digital interlocking elements in a total of seven projects. Normally, much longer periods of time are required for comparable projects. Processes are being improved and standards established in close cooperation with the industry in order to significantly speed up project execution. This is an important building block for the digitalisation of the rail network as part of Digitale Schiene Deutschland (DSD).

The agreement signed on September 2, 2020 between the above-mentioned parties to accelerate the equipment of the rail network with digital control and safety technology (DLST) in the DSD rollout. Germany will thus benefit from a digital and future-oriented rail network several years earlier than originally planned. This enables the achievement of transport and climate policy goals and strengthens Germany as a business location.

However, ambitious goals require new approaches with high efficiency and short implementation times, which are being developed and tested in the Fast-Track Programme. Lean processes and new standards essentially form the foundation of the acceleration. As a result, valuable insights are gained for the DSD rollout. The approach is unique. 

Frank Gülicher (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Frank Gülicher (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Frank Gülicher (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

With the Fast-Track Programme, the federal government, the rail industry and DB are essentially pursuing two goals: Firstly, to secure employment in the industry with an economic impact and to strengthen it. Secondly, to gather valuable insights for the rollout of Digitale Schiene Deutschland." 

Frank Gülicher, DB AG Representative for BIM Infrastructure and Head of DSD Project Portfolio (DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

SLP projects 

In order to be able to start the SLP at short notice and at high speed, the seven projects were selected according to the parameters of comparatively low complexity and low impact on ongoing operations and other construction projects. The projects are divided into two clusters: the four projects in Cluster 1 are the responsibility of signaling technology manufacturers established on the German market. In these projects, electronic interlockings (ESTW) with digital interlocking elements and standardised interfaces are being built. 

The three projects in Cluster 2 are the responsibility of signaling technology manufacturers not yet established on the German market. As part of the Fast-Track Programme, these manufacturers will be given the opportunity to implement digital interlocking technology in accordance with DB's specifications and obtain approval. The aim is to expand the market through the entry of new signaling companies in order to be able to draw on a higher capacity and broader expertise for the DSD rollout. Digital interlockings (DSTW) are being built in the Cluster 2 projects. The first step will involve development work from 2021, so that the first construction work can follow from 2022. According to the current planning status, commissioning is scheduled for 2025.


In addition to the modernisation of the interlocking technology, around 1.600 km of cable will be laid in all seven projects, around 1.000 signals, approx. 350 point machines, around 190 level crossings and approx. 16 signal booms will be renewed.

In technical terms, this is a so-called 1:1 replacement of the previous signalling, interlocking and level crossing technology with new and modern interlocking elements that will be upwardly compatible with later DSD target images. The following defined and standardised interfaces will be implemented regardless of the manufacturer: SCI-LX (interlocking - level crossing), SCI-ILS (interlocking - interlocking), SCI-CC (interlocking - operating system) and SCI-RBC (interlocking - Radio Block Center). This technology is intended to increase the reliability of the rail network and reduce maintenance costs. The aim is to make the rail network more robust. The manufacturer-independent interfaces also enable a sustainable reduction in the diversity of technology. In the individual projects, greater flexibility is also achieved through, for example, Ks signal systems or integrated train control. In some cases, track-change operation is being retrofitted with the benefits of time savings at construction sites with single-track operation. The lines are thus being made fit for the digital age.

Route map

Overview of the seven SLP projects (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Overview of the seven SLP projects (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Overview of the seven SLP projects (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)





Kleve – Kempen



Wörth – Germersheim – Speyer



Ansbach – Triesdorf



Lichtenfels – Coburg – Sonneberg



Zwieseler Spinne



Gera – Weischlitz


Film off for the Fast-Track Programme (in German only)

The Fast-Track Programme (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)


DSD-Infrastructure projects

If you have any questions, connect with us via e-mail, please.


The dates shown are legally non-binding forecasts based on the current status. The forecasts are in no way intended to establish any kind of legal claim whatsoever that completion will take place by the specified date and that use will be possible. For these reasons, the information should also not be used to make or prepare business decisions, for example, but not conclusively, with regard to the vehicle equipment or the compatibility between the vehicles and the infrastructure. If you have any questions, particularly regarding technical network access or obtaining binding information, please contact your customer advisor.

Most of the infrastructure projects are still in the planning phase, which means that the information provided on these pages reflects the current planning status and is updated regularly.

The graphic shows the EU logo with the addition ‘NextGenerationEU’ and indicates co-financing by the European Union.

Kleve – Kempen

Kleve – Kempen is the SLP's first Cluster 1 project. In less than two years, the interlockings in Kleve, Bedburg-Hau, Goch, Weeze, Kevelaer, Geldern, Vernum, Nieukerk, Aldekerk and Kempen were replaced with modern electronic interlocking technology on the left bank of the Lower Rhine between Kleve and Kempen. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH installed a total of eleven electronic interlockings (type ZSB 2000) on the approximately 54 kilometers of track, which are now operated from the six interlockings in Kleve, Bedburg-Hau, Goch, Kevelaer, Nieukerk and Kempen. These have been technically upgraded accordingly. As a technical innovation, the iLBS has been set up with a local network. In addition, track-change operation was implemented in the double-track section and increasing number of signal blocks was implemented. The first section of the Kleve – Geldern line was commissioned on December 4, 2021, followed by the complete commissioning at the end of November 2022.

New signals on the line between Kleve and Kempen (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) New signals on the line between Kleve and Kempen (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
New signals on the line between Kleve and Kempen (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Project duration 


Route data

Line from Kleve
Line to Kempen
Kilometers of line to be equipped 54 km
Route number(s) 2610

Planned actions

Interlocking(s) 11 ESTW-A
Scope of equipment
  • 175 km cables
  • 170 signals
  • 30 point machines
  • 76 level crossings
  • 1 signal boom

Route map

Route map SLP Kleve – Kempen (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Route map SLP Kleve – Kempen (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Route map SLP Kleve – Kempen (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Media library and links

Copyright: Deutsche Bahn AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland

Installation of a technology module in Bedburg-Hau

Installation of the Bedburg-Hau technology module as part of the SLP-project Kleve – Kempen.

Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland

Cab ride between Kleve and Kempen

Cab ride on the route of the SLP-project Kleve – Kempen. 


Finnentrop is one of the SLP's Cluster 1 projects and was successfully commissioned after around one and a half years. This is the first complete commissioning in the SLP. The modernisation was carried out on the Ruhr-Sieg line on the three sections 1) Letmathe – Nachrodt – Altena – Werdohl, 2) Werdohl – Plettenberg – Finnentrop and 3) Grevenbrück – Lennestadt – Meggen – Altenhundem – Kirchhundem – Welschen-Ennest. The three interlockings in Altenhundem/Meggen, Plettenberg and Nachrodt/Altena, which were between 30 and 50 years old, were replaced with modern Simis-D interlocking technology from Siemens AG. The interlockings were connected to the existing central electronic interlocking in Finnentrop, which was technically upgraded. Since commissioning in May 2022, the line from Letmathe to Kreuztal has been operated centrally by the signallers from Finnentrop.

Andre Rodenbeck (CEO Rail Infrastructure at Siemens Mobility), Uwe Kober (Mayor of Altena) and Jens Bergmann (Board Member for Finance and Controlling at DB InfraGO AG) in front of the new interlocking module in Altena (Source DB InfraGO AG/Philipp Bockholt) Andre Rodenbeck (CEO Rail Infrastructure at Siemens Mobility), Uwe Kober (Mayor of Altena) and Jens Bergmann (Board Member for Finance and Controlling at DB InfraGO AG) in front of the new interlocking module in Altena (Source DB InfraGO AG/Philipp Bockholt)
Andre Rodenbeck (CEO Rail Infrastructure at Siemens Mobility), Uwe Kober (Mayor of Altena) and Jens Bergmann (Board Member for Finance and Controlling at DB InfraGO AG) in front of the new interlocking module in Altena (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland/Philipp Bockholt)

Project duration


Route data

Line from Letmathe
Line to Welschen-Ennest
Kilometers of line to be equipped 45 km
Route number(s) 2800

Planned actions

Interlocking(s) 1 ESTW-Z, 3 ESTW-A
Scope of equipment
  • 385 km cables
  • 235 singals
  • 73 point machines
  • 15 level crossings
  • 9 signal booms

Route map

Route map SLP Finnentrop (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Route map SLP Finnentrop (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Route map SLP Finnentrop (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Media library and links

Wörth – Germersheim – Speyer

The Wörth – Germersheim – Speyer line is a Cluster 1 project and was successfully put into operation in 2022. The seven old interlockings in Speyer, Germersheim, Wörth, Philippsburg and Rülzheim on the line between the towns of Wörth, Germersheim and Speyer were replaced by modern ESTW L90 interlocking technology from Hitachi Rail GTS Deutschland GmbH (formerly Thales Deutschland GmbH). This replaced the largest mechanical interlocking still in operation in Germany – the interlocking in Wörth am Rhein. Here, too, the line is now operated by mouse click instead of with levers. To this end, modern technical modules (ESTW-A) were installed in the Philippsburg, Speyer, Wörth and Rülzheim stations. They are operated via the new central electronic interlocking in Germersheim. Between Speyer and Germersheim as well as between Germersheim and Wörth, a track-change operation including increasing number of signal blocks was set up, which enables an improvement in operating quality. Commissioning took place in three stages in 2022.

Central ESTW Germersheim (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Central ESTW Germersheim (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Central ESTW Germersheim (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Project duration


Route data

Line from Speyer
Line to Wörth
Kilometers of line to be equipped 41 km
Route number(s) 3400, 3443, 3450, 4132

Planned actions

Interlocking(s) 1 ESTW-Z, 4 ESTW-A
Scope of equipment
  • 346 km cables
  • 283 signals
  • 111 point machines
  • 40 level crossings
  • 5 signal booms

Route map

Route map SLP Wörth – Germersheim – Speyer (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Route map SLP Wörth – Germersheim – Speyer (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Route map SLP Wörth – Germersheim – Speyer (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Media library and links

Ansbach – Triesdorf

Ansbach – Triesdorf is the fourth Cluster 1 project. The two lines Ansbach – Triesdorf and Leutershausen – Wiedersbach – Ansbach – Wicklesgreuth are part of the project. The company Alstom Signal GmbH (formerly InoSig GmbH) is replacing the approximately 55-year-old interlockings at Ansbach and Triesdorf stations with modern B950 electronic interlockings. The new central interlocking with an integrated control station is being built in Ansbach, from which the signallers will also control the new technical module in Triesdorf electronically.

Signal setup on the Ansbach – Triesdorf line (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Signal setup on the Ansbach – Triesdorf line (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Signal setup on the Ansbach – Triesdorf line (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Project duration


Route data

Line from Ansbach
Line to Triesdorf
Kilometers of line to be equipped 44 km
Route number(s) 5321, 5902

Planned actions

Interlocking(s) 1 ESTW-Z, 1 ESTW-A
Scope of equipment
  • 322 km cables
  • 192 signals
  • 84 point machines
  • 1 level crossing

Route map

Route map SLP Ansbach – Triesdorf (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Route map SLP Ansbach – Triesdorf (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Route map SLP Ansbach – Triesdorf (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Zwieseler Spinne

The Cluster 2 project Zwieseler Spinne is digitising the lines around Zwiesel in the Bavarian Forest with modern signalling, interlocking and level crossing technology. The company Pintsch GmbH is replacing the six interlockings in Grafling, Gotteszell, Triefenried, Bayerisch Eisenstein and Zwiesel with PinMovio digital interlocking technology. In future, they will be operated from the central digital interlocking in Zwiesel. The five technical modules (so-called track field concentrators: GFK) are located in Zwiesel, Grafling, Gotteszell, Triefenried and Bayerisch Eisenstein. After extensive development work, construction began on July 25, 2022 and commissioning is scheduled for December 2025.

Installation of technology modules in adverse weather conditions (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Installation of technology modules in adverse weather conditions (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Installation of technology modules in adverse weather conditions (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Project duration


Route data

Line from Bavarian Eisenstein
Line to Grafling
Kilometers of line to be equipped 76 km
Route number(s) 5634, 5820

Planned actions

Interlocking(s) 1 DSTW-ZE incl. GFK, 4 additional GFK
Scope of equipment
  • 204 km cables
  • 124 signals
  • 23 point machines
  • 15 level crossings

Route map

Route map SLP Zwieseler Spinne (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Route map SLP Zwieseler Spinne (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Route map SLP Zwieseler Spinne (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Media library and links

Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland

Special winter operation for emergency crane

Installation of three technical modules (so-called track field concentrators) in adverse weather conditions. An impressive endeavour that not only required the use of an emergency crane, but also the active support and goal-oriented cooperation of everyone involved.

Gera – Weischlitz

Gera – Weischlitz is one of the Cluster 2 projects. On the line between Gera and Weischlitz, Mermec S.p.A. is renewing a total of twelve interlockings in Wünschendorf (Elster), Berga (Elster), Greiz, Greiz-Dölau, Elsterberg, Barthmühle and Plauen (Vogtl.) lower station. A digital interlocking in Plauen and seven technical modules (so-called track field concentrators) will be built at these locations. Commissioning is scheduled for December 2025. From this date, the line will be operated from Plauen (Vogtl.) lower station using the new, integrated control and operating system (iLBS).

Vogtlandbahn train at Barthmühle station on the line between Gera and Weischlitz (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Vogtlandbahn train at Barthmühle station on the line between Gera and Weischlitz (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Vogtlandbahn train at Barthmühle station on the line between Gera and Weischlitz (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Project duration


Route data

Line from Gera
Line to Weischlitz
Kilometers of line to be equipped 52 km
Route numbers 6269

Planned actions

Interlocking(s) 1 DSTW-ZE, 7 GFK
Scope of equipment
  • 60 km cables
  • 11 level crossings
  • 221 control units (signals & point machines)

Route map

Route map SLP Gera – Weischlitz (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Route map SLP Gera – Weischlitz (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Route map SLP Gera – Weischlitz (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Lichtenfels – Coburg – Sonneberg

Lichtenfels – Coburg – Sonneberg is the third Cluster 2 project that runs through Thuringia and Bavaria. The existing nine interlockings in Neustadt/Coburg, Rödental, Ebersdorf/Coburg, Seehof, Coburg, Herzogsweg and Creidlitz will be renewed on the approximately 45 km long line between Lichtenfels, Coburg and Sonneberg. To this end, Alstom Transport Deutschland GmbH is building a central digital interlocking in Coburg as well as five electronic technical modules in Neustadt/Coburg, Ebersdorf/Coburg, Herzogsweg, Coburg and Creidlitz. The line will continue to be operated from Coburg. Commissioning is scheduled for summer 2025.

Train arriving at Sonneberg (Thür) main station (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Train arriving at Sonneberg (Thür) main station (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Train arriving at Sonneberg (Thür) main station (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)

Project duration


Route data

Line from Lichtenfels
Line to Sonneberg
Kilometers of line to be equipped 45 km
Route numbers 5121, 6311

Planned actions

Interlocking(s) 1 DSTW-Z, 5 ESTW-D
Scope of equipment
  • 40 km cables
  • 51 signals
  • 10 point machines
  • 26 level crossings
  • 1 signal boom

Route map

Route map SLP Lichtenfels – Coburg – Sonneberg (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland) Route map SLP Lichtenfels – Coburg – Sonneberg (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)
Route map SLP Lichtenfels – Coburg – Sonneberg (Copyright: DB InfraGO AG, Digitale Schiene Deutschland)